Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Question... is DIGITAL media BAd for US??

Is digital media bad for us?  This is the rising question for this week.  There are tons of different opinions on whether digital media is bad or good for us.  In my opinion I think digital media is very good and beneficial for us.  One of the articles that I read called Wikileaks is a source that leaks information to the public about injustices going in the USA.  I for one think that it's a great idea and a good source.  As citizens of the U.S. we have the right to know about what is right and what is wrong.  Digital media is very positive in this way because it gets information to us faster.  Even media and technology are good things, everything should be used in moderation.  Another article that caught my attention was "Is Google making us STUPID?" This is an article by Nicholas Carr.  The article talks about how Google is in a way dumbing us down.  There was once a time when reading was easy and now sense Google has came around it is harder for our minds to indulge in literature on actual paper instead of words on a computer.  I agree with this in sense that because of how modern and fast our society is people don't really take the time to read books anymore but I don't think that Google and social networking is putting a strain on our relationship with people.  

An article posted by Laura Owens talks about how this idea of internet and social networking behavioral issues is basically unfounded.  People that don't have good social skills get better by talking online with others and the goal is to hopefully use the skills that you're developing in the cyber world to help you with real life situations.  Students in today's society are really big on multitasking as well.  It is not uncommon to see someone texting on their cell phone, Facebooking, and doing homework.  A study was done on some students at the University of Michigan that showed that most people who actually think they are multitasking aren't really doing a great job of it at all..  I found this to be very funny.  I think that multitasking is needed in todays modern world and anyone who feels that they can just do one thing at a time and still be successful is definitely just fooling themselves.  That's all for now.  The end of this experience is coming around realllly soon! ~Revisit~Restore~Recreate~

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